Friday, May 7, 2010


Welcome to Chuck Said.

This is a brand spankin' new blog all about the golden nuggets of shit that come out of Chuck's mouth. Yes, I said "golden nuggets of shit". In case you were wondering, yes, I totally adore him.

There will probably only be a quote on most days unless I feel the need to explain the context in which Chuck said something. And it is most likely that there won't be a quote everyday, but make sure to check back now and again.

With that said, enjoy today's quote.

Chuck said:

I don't think there is anything you could pay me that could make me want to have a menstrual cycle.


  1. Sadly, I am a woman and I agree. It's a horrible joke on us!!

  2. I love Chuck. And YOU! Thank you for sharing his words of wisdom!

  3. LOL! I look forward to hearing more of what "chuck said" at the beach in a couple weeks! :)
